“Sand & Coal moments into Pearls of Wisdom & Diamonds 💎 of Hope,”

“Sand & Coal moments into Pearls of Wisdom & Diamonds 💎 of Hope,”

Pearls are born from external irritants invading oysters 🦪 home’s, diamonds 💎 only reach Earth’s surface after being shot out of volcanoes — each gem forms under tough and unique circumstances that make them the dazzling treasures that they are.

A friend at a funeral wisely said the other week that he thinks, “A lot of life is about learning how to Go with the Flow, whilst taking punches to the face 😂💨.” I laughed and have enjoyed this modern zen humor.

I love the unique perspective that comes from people prevailing in the face of hardship, loss, and difficulties. I love when humans talk about anything that is solution oriented, these days. Instead of the noise and chaos that surrounds us.

Whether it’s discussion of what we love, what makes you feel alive & nurtured- this is what I love to talk about. Have you noticed that when you and your family members talk about your pets, everyone gets happier & bickering ceases?

When was the last time you took a nap without guilt, or walked barefoot 🦶 in grass?

We cannot pass peace to someone else, if we do not possess it. This is something that I learned the hard way 9 years ago. I could not sit still in silence 🤐 for even 1 minute. The idea of silence or meditation 🧘🏼‍♀️ made me want to scream and jump out of my skin. Alone with myself and my thoughts equaled torture for some reason, but my husband and recovery ❤️‍🩹program suggested that prayer 🙏 & meditation 🧘🏼‍♀️ were the Spiritual path to conscious contact with my Higher Power & Soul. Prayer 🤲 is the communication to God & meditation 🧘🏼‍♀️ is clearing the mind and allowing space & time for the answer.

What started with a begrudging 1 min. Guided listening 👂 session on the 5 day free Head Space training app has bloomed into the most profound daily tool that has turned countless, “Sand & Coal moments into Pearls of Wisdom & Diamonds 💎 of Hope,” in the midst of seemingly hopeless health situations.

When pain hits like a sledgehammer, God gave me the gift of my breath to calm the turbulent waters within.

I cannot control my leaking spinal fluid, the fact that my dream of bearing children has been dashed by my neurosurgeon’s, that I can only stand around 3-4 hours a day on my best day, but There is sooo much I can control. Starting each day with focusing on all the blessings in my life. Meditation and mindfulness 🧘🏼‍♀️ help me slow down enough to notice ALL that I’m grateful for instead of my default knee jerk reaction, which is to jump to what hurts from the minute I open my eyes every morning.

Thank God it’s a lifelong journey and there’s No Grade or Test, the point is to Try & practice a little bit every day. Unclenching my fists of control in the face of life on life’s terms, bit by bit, along with my breathe and flow writing has brought me here to this transition from losing a corporate career to following a creative pipe dream. Life get’s pretty cool when I stick to the daily disciplines that set my soul free. Thank you for listening.

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